Sandra Haddad has been leading disability management teams since 1988, after leaving the WCB. As an industry leader, Canadian Injury Management Services continues to act as a valued advisor across the sectors to employers in the provision of workers compensation and non-occupational case management services across Canada.

Sandra Haddad

Specifically, the team was assembled to manage these key tasks:

Case management process development, inclusive of developing and auditing for best practice, overseeing software tracking systems, reporting to the Board of Directors, training development, day to day handling claims management, and overseeing revenue related issues to ensure cost effectiveness.

Oversight of company Health Centers which managed non-occupational absenteeism, wellness initiatives, and all related tracking processes.

Safety Prevention strategies, including audit Safety Audit development, cross auditing, inaugurating training initiatives for certification of Safety Directors, handing MOL appeals, structuring Ergonomics committees, partaking in research, developing and overseeing completion of over 1,500 Physical Demands Analyses and developing processes to keep them current.

Experience matters

Although our primary focus is assisting with recovery, CIMS has also worked on multiple significant projects over the years, including;

  • Amalgamation of three hospitals occupational health centers
  • Auditing corporate occupational health for a major manufacturer related to the handling of disability and privacy matters
  • Conducting revenue reviews and classification reviews to reduce premium rates
  • Building programs and education of staff of over 3,500 employees
  • Creating a full PDA inventory for a major multi-unit foodservice franchise system, manufacturing and grocery.
  • Assessing for purchase purposes three information systems targeted at disability management in a major mining company
  • Operating as a third-party occupational health department for Long Term Care and restructure of processes
  • Writing Safety Policy Manual for a major construction provider
  • Conducting a multitude of Violence and Harassment investigations, with follow-up training programs.
  • Managing all matters related to HR for a leading hotel chain, including grievances, contract negotiation, training, hiring etc.
  • Partaking in the educational process as a participant in northern colleges

CIMS operates in all industry sectors with a cross section of corporate, government and not-for-profit clients.

What our clients say!

The team at Canadian Injury Management successfully integrated with our organization at all levels. They initiated timely and effective management of all work-related and non-work-related claims resulting in cost savings and offsets. We have benefitted from the consistent management of all employees with injuries and/or illnesses.

Their evidence-based approach was utilized to demonstrate the organization’s injury rates, and progress made in most areas requiring improvement.  The revision of our data collection, management and assessment systems allowed us to effectively benchmark with other Hospitals in Ontario and with other industries.

Laura Thompson
Disability Claims Specialist
Health Sciences North